Vide Commissions Order dated 11th August 2005
The Electricity Supply Code 2005 (hereinafter called Code), enlists the obligations
of the Licensee and consumers vis-Ã -vis each other and specifies the set of practices
to provide efficient, cost-effective and consumer friendly service to the consumers.
It interalia deals with the following: (a) Procedure for new connection and for
enhancement or reduction of load. (b) Recovery of electricity charges and intervals
for billing of electricity charges. (c) Disconnection, reconnection and restoration
of supply of electricity. (d) Tampering, distress or damage to electrical plant,
electric lines or meter. (e) Entry of distribution Licensee or any person acting
on his behalf for disconnecting supply and removing the meter and / or for replacing,
altering or maintaining electric lines or electrical plant or meter. (f) Practices
relating to payment of bills, consumer metering and assessment of energy. (g) Standards
of Performance for the Licensee; and (h) Procedure for redressal of consumer grievances.